Acorn Life Applique 2-letter Monograms

There are tons of legends about acorns were pilled up, which you probably easily would find on the Internet. Below, we have provided a small excerpts, which we have found online about this fruit of oak. If this reminds you of someone or even related to someone you know, feel free to grab an idea:)
Name Meaning and Unique Personalization
Acorns appear only on adult trees, and thus are often a symbol of patience and the fruition of long, hard labour. For example, an English proverb states that Great oaks from little acorns grow, urging the listener to wait for maturation of a project or idea. A German folktale has a farmer try to outwit Satan, to whom he has promised his soul, by asking for a reprieve until his first crop is harvested; he plants acorns and has many years to enjoy first. /From Wikipedia/
Acorn Frame Size: 7.90" x 4.39"
Stitches: 26410
Colors: 13
Letter Height: 1.1"
Available formats: Art, Pes, Hus, Vip, Shv, Jef, Exp, Xxx, Dst, Exp