Victorian Ornaments machine embroidery designs

Victorian Ornaments
Victorian Ornaments
Item# 2-AB-RF-VictorianOrnaments-2

These 2 designs are included into Victorian Decor #2 set, so if you've already purchased that set, don't get them again. Be sure to view the detailed guide, showing how to use Paper Templates Technique to position these designs on items/garments.

Designs are suitable for 5x7-inch hoop

Available formats: Art, Pes, Hus, Vip, Shv, Exp, Jef, Xxx, Dst


Middle Doves
Stitches: 11841
Size: 6.06" x 2.33"
Colors: 4
Curl (Left & Right)
Stitches: 8898
Size: 5.67" x 2.02"
Colors: 3